Friday, June 12, 2009

Congrats Penguins

I have said it before and I'll say it again, I am not a biased sports nut! I was rooting for the red wings tonight. I wanted to see the pens win a cup, but not tonight. In the next 5 years though. They played an excellent game tonight. MAF was absolutely phenomenal in goal. Major props to him! No clue how he stopped most of those pucks!

I have no freaking clue who those guys in red were tonight. I haven't seen them since the wings lost 6 straight or something. They were chasing pucks and had no idea what puck posession means. They need a lesson from Gordon Bombay or something because trapping a puck (if that's what it's called in hockey because I've never played before) is like trapping an egg! The wings couldn't do that tonight. The puck was jumping over sticks and flying in funny directions and Boom...they got outplayed!

Everyone was wondering why I was so worried all day--THIS IS WHY I WAS WORRIED!!! Was I the only wings fan who knew how good the penguins are?? Dude...people need to seriously start listening to me. This could be the 3 miller lites talking, but just because I'm a chick and a short chick at that doesn't mean I don't know anything about sports!

I am a firm believer that the pens would NOT have gotten this far this year without making the move to promote Dan Bylsma as coach. I don't think Theirren had the right strategy with these players. I also think that Ray Shero did well when he picked up Kunitz and Guerin. Sidney needed another guy to lean on and gain experience with and Billy was that guy!

If people are going to go on and on about Hossa I'm seriously going to be more upset than I am right now. THE TEAM HOSSA LEFT LAST YEAR IS NOT THE TEAM THAT WON TONIGHT!! SO GET OVER THAT ARGUEMENT! THEY WERE BETTER OFF WITHOUT HIM ANYWAY!

I need to go to bed though. Big day tomorrow. And I need to sleep off this drink intake. One beer and I'm tipsy. Two beers and I'm buzzed...but 3 beers means trouble! That's what you get for being a 24 year old 5'2'' and 110 lbs! I got nothing to keep the beer in check!

Again congrats to the penguins! They deserved it! Detroit didn't even bother to show up!

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