Sunday, August 2, 2009

Updates!! I'm back!!

So I've been a bit busy the past few weeks...up north for a conference and then work has been busy too which is a great thing! I finally got to play Arcadia Bluffs! An absolutely amazing golf course!! Check my facebook for a photo album from that day!

Old news, but it still needs to be addressed! Tom Watson lost to Stewart Cink in the British Open in a playoff! I was rooting for Watson!!

COLLEGE FOOTBALL WILL BEGIN IN 27 days!! Can you feel the excitement?? I still have no idea how good Michigan is going to be this year. The coaches keep saying they still have 3 guys fighting for the quarterback position. Who knows if they are lying or telling the truth, but I can't see how it's a good thing to not know who your starting quarterback is!! I figure they are lying about it though!

Okay, had a late night last night and woke up at 10:30 so I didn't get too much sleep, but I feel like taking a nap so I might go do that. And then probably play some golf later! It's a beautiful day!!

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